Antes de buscar la felicidad, será mejor que sepas lo que es

La felicidad, a mi criterio, es una mentalidad. Es muy simple.

Todos nacemos felices. Pero, mientras crecemos, nos hacen creer que "necesitamos" cosas. Dinero, éxito, fama... Pero esas necesidades son falsas. No pasa nada si no obtienes lo que te hacen desear. Tampoco si lo obtienes. Serás igual de infeliz. 


¡Oh no, "inserta nombre de persona famosa aquí" se ha suicidado! ¿Cómo es posible? ¡Si lo tenía todo!

No, no lo tenía todo. Si el hecho de pensar que al tener algo serás feliz te puede joder la vida entera, imagina lo que te haría conseguir las cosas que esperabas que te dieran la felicidad y darte cuenta, después de toda una vida de trabajo, de que obtenerlas no ha servido para nada.

Tienes que comprender que el mundo en el que vives siempre será como tú quieras que sea. Si crees que todo el mundo es horrible, buscarás la forma de demostrarte lo horrible que es, centrándote en todo lo malo. Te centrarás en la pena que te dan los emos, en el asco que te dan los canis, en la maruja que se te ha colado esta mañana en la cola del cajero del súper... Te creerás que el puto universo de mierda actúa en tu contra 24/7. Pero no. Verás lo que quieras ver, y escucharás solamente lo que desees escuchar. Lo mismo pasa con la felicidad: o crees que la tienes o crees que no y, en el momento en el que te decidas por una de las dos opciones, verás que el mundo funcionará dándote la razón.


En vez de centrarnos en lo que nos hace ser felices, nos centramos en lo que nos hace infelices, ignorando las cosas buenas de nuestras vidas, y de esta forma nos machacamos pensando lo insuficientes, flojos, vagos e incapaces que somos.

Pero esa forma de pensar te llevará a malgastar tu tiempo y talento, ya que te hace perseguir cosas inalcanzables mientras, al mismo tiempo, te convences en tu mente de que eres incapaz de conseguir nada.

Hora de cambiar tu forma de pensar. La felicidad no se obtiene consiguiendo o logrando cosas. Se obtiene cambiando tu interior.

115 comentarios

  • We are Nutritional Products International, a global brand management company that is based in Boca Raton, FL. As a third-generation family-owned business for more than two decades, NPI specializes in helping foreign brands enter the American consumer market in a timely, profitable, and professional manner.

    To achieve our success, we have developed a proprietary system called the “Evolution of Distribution,” which includes all the professional services needed to launch products in the U.S., including:

     Fast Track Purchase Orders from Major Retailers
     FDA and Regulatory Compliance
     Warehouse/Custom Brokerage Infrastructure
     Operational/Logistical Expertise
     Communications, Media, and Marketing Campaigns
     Import, Distribute, and Promote
     Turn-key, one-stop solution

    Our executives have more than 100 years of combined retail experience as well as buying for and selling to retail giants, such as Amazon and Walmart. NPI’s team has placed 100s of products on Amazon that have generated tens of millions of dollars in sales.

    If we become your partner, NPI becomes your brand’s United States headquarters.

    We invite you to learn more about how to get into the United States with Nutritional Products International.


    Mark Mierloi
    Executive Vice President of Business Development
    Nutritional Products International
    150 E. Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800
    Boca Raton, FL 33432
    Cell: (386)-405-9619
    Office: (561) 544-0719

    Mark Schaefer
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    Yasmin Lease
  • Many companies are known for their product development. That is their expertise.

    As senior account executive for business development at Nutritional Products International, I have worked with brands that have created and developed innovative products that consumers would want to buy.

    But these companies don’t have the staff or knowledge to successfully launch their products in the U.S. This is why many domestic and international health and wellness brands reach out to NPI.

    Launching products in the U.S. is our expertise.

    On a daily basis, I research companies in the health and wellness sectors, which is how I came across your brand.

    NPI, a global brand management company based in Boca Raton, FL., can help you.

    Through a one-stop, turnkey platform called the “Evolution of Distribution,” NPI gives you all the expertise and services you need when you launch your product line here. We become your headquarters in the United States.

    What does NPI do? We import, distribute, and market your product line.

    When you work with NPI, you don’t need to hire a U.S. sales and support team or contract with a high-priced Madison Avenue marketing agency.

    NPI, along with its sister company, InHealth Media, collaboratively work to market your products to consumers and retailers throughout the U.S.

    For more information, please reply to this email or contact me at



    Mark Schaeffer
    Senior Account Executive for Business Development
    Nutritional Products International
    150 Palmetto Park Blvd., Suite 800
    Boca Raton, FL 33432
    Office: 561-544-071

    Mark Schaefer
  • ►►► ✅ Where can I pick up my prize? Here?

    Nicholas Keynes
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